Monday, February 15, 2010

How Do I Make Time For All This?

So my uncle calls me  on Friday night and tells me "Hey I'm in NY, but I gotta drive mami down to Miami can you pllleeease come with me so I don't drive alone." I was like "SWEEET! I'm down since Gary just got laid off (FML!) that will save us money and I'll be back in 3 weeks." Long story short after long talks with Gary we decided SB is staying with him for a week.  I'm going to miss them like fucking crazy! :(

I don't even want to go anymore but I kinda have to in order to pick up boxes we still have over there from our move! I'm saving a lot of money by doing things this way. No moving costs, no airplane costs!  I'm not paying for gas either. I'm the guest, remember! :)

Anyways, Since I'll be on the road most of this week I thought I'd leave you with some sweetness from the past few days.

Enjoy and wish me well on my road trip! LOTS of pictures when I return!

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